Terms of use

Hôtel & Spa Panorama 360Mâcon coeur de ville


Panorama 360

Address: 4 rue Paul Gateaud, 71000 Mâcon, France

Phone: +33 (0)3 85 50 20 42

E-mail : contact@hotelmacon-panorama360.com

Siret : N°02359706700029

RCS : Mâcon B 823 597 067

Intracommunity VAT number: FR 35 823 597 067

Legal form: Limited liability company (SARL)

Share capital: 400,000.00 Euros

Publishing director: ©Panorama360



Phone: +33(0)1 85 09 74 06

Address: 4 Rue Jacques Daguerre, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France

Siret : N°80164723100068

RCS : Nanterre B 801 647 231

Intracommunity VAT number: FR 44 801 647 231

Legal form: Limited liability company (SARL)

Share capital: 20,000.00 Euros

Website : www.altelis.com



Phone: +1 415-964-0555

Address: 398 11th Street, San Francisco Bay Area, West Coast, Western US

Legal form: Venture Capital-Backed

Share capital: $214,900,000

Photo credits

  • Al Drone ©
  • Erwan Fiquet ©
"Excellent %
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